Children's songs
The Guzunder Gang
Lyrics for more than 50 children’s songs for the audio/magazine series The Guzunder Gang. Music by Tim Cross, 2001-2002.
The Concept
The Guzunder Gang, a children’s audio-with-book series, was conceived in 1999 by IMP. The product was launched nationally in 2000.
The Guzunder Gang are a collection of five friendly toys who live under a bed, have adventures and entertain each other with stories, rhymes and songs.
Each character brings particular qualities, skills and roles to the mix. Edna the sheep is a gentle, maternal figure, the classic story teller; Dexter the dinosaur is cool, inventive and musical; Baby Doll is the little girl doll, a dancer with a love of colour and patterns; Prince Hugo and his horse Harry love poems, rhymes and good behaviour (with fun of course); Oddsock is dotty about numbers, pairs and opposites, with a zany sense of humour.
With modern and traditional stories, songs and rhymes, this series encourages skills such as counting and recognizing shapes and colors, but mainly entertains and encourages a love of words, music and storytelling.
“The Guzunder Gang were my childhood heroes. I would recommend this book to all the fellow people who would like their children to have FUN and learn manners.” Online reviewer,
“Some of the most catchy music and lyrics for children I have ever heard. I still know the words and hum along to tunes I haven’t heard for five years – the sign of a truly good song.” Melissa Roskell
Little Story Teller
A collection of songs and stories for pre-school age children, introduced by a team of animal characters featuring a pair of frantic hamsters. Music by Tim Cross.
The Concept
Little Story Teller was a 26-part series for young children. Many of the stories in Little Story Teller feature the adventures of the inhabitants of the Magic Mountain, which include Leroy the Lion, Dotty the Dragon, and Morris and Doris the hamsters.
“I used to listen to it over and over again and drive my sister crazy singing the magic mountain song. In fact I still sing it to her!!” Lorna
“I loved this as a kid and have now given it to my daughter.” Online reviewer
The Fairy Tales Collection
Songs accompanying classic stories from round the world and throughout the generations. Music by Seiji Yokoyama.
Tales On Tape
A collection of stories from the Bible, for children for all ages, illustrated by original songs, with music by Tim Cross.
PC Play and Learn
Lyrics for the signature tune to the CD-Rom PC Play & Learn, 1999.